The idea about this piece started while watching the Norwegian Broadcasting TV NRK program «Folkeopplysningen », where an established art historian said that 1) Marble is Art with a big A. 2) That my piece Antiphony (shown in the Autumn exhibition 2019) « har ingen høy kvalitet når det gjelder erkjennelse, innsikt, kunnskap. » (had no high quality when it comes to knowledge).
I started to wonder about all of these notions, in relation to art history and philosophy, in addition to the long practice of quarry extraction. The marble sculpture was installed outside of Kunstnerneshus during the Autumn exhibition 2020, as a commemorative gesture to this art historian from the past.
The aim of the piece was to open a discussion on the representation and constant bashing of contemporary in Norwegian medias. The art historian in question attempted to "recuperate" the piece to his own name by saying I had stolen his concept since I had taken a quote from him.